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+33(0)3 88 65 06 15
BALTER MALLETS CM1 Mallet BALTER MALLETS GENERAL Large mallet BALTER MALLETS ROLLER Large mallet BALTER MALLETS STACCATO Large mallet CONCORDE Large Large mallet TG CONCORDE Large mallet B1 CONCORDE Large mallet B2 CONCORDE Large mallet B3 Leather headed mallet, light Mallet head skin lamb PUSTJENS Large mallet B4 Pair of large mallet CONCORDE B5 RYTHMES & SONS felt Ø100 Large Large mallet RYTHMES & SONS felt Ø180 Large Large mallet VIBRAWELL M1 Large mallet VIBRAWELL M2 Large mallet VIBRAWELL M3 Large mallet VIBRAWELL M4 Large mallet VIBRAWELL M5 Large mallet