Ref. SIE 5520N22
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Product reference
SIE 5520N22
Gross weight (kg)
Net weight (kg)
Double bass player
It is equipped with an asynchronous mechanism offering a coordinated and simultaneous adjustment of the inclination of the seat and backrest to obtain an optimized angle of comfort.
The adjustment is made using 2 levers located on one and the same side (right side) to facilitate changes. This system offers daily comfort in the use of the chair. The levers are easily located. The user can trigger the mechanisms with just one hand without having to put down his instrument.
The height adjustment is carried out by means of a hydropneumatic cylinder.
This multifunctional Orchestra chair for double bass player is designed to ensure maximum comfort: each element (including 2 ergonomical footrests) can be adjusted as needed.
This chair is guaranteed without squeaks and extraneous noise thanks to a good quality in the conception and in the making.
The manufacturing quality guarantees a 10 years lifetime minimum.
Developed and manufactured by Rythmes & Sons in France
Other colour available on requestKeywords : concert, conservatory, cultural center, dance hall, exposure, fanfare, harmony, meeting room, museum, music room, opera, orchestra, r&sons, r-sons, rs, rythm and son, rythme & son, rythme et son, rythme et son illkirch, rythme et sons, rythmes and sons, rythmes et son, rythmes et sons, rythmesetsons, rythmetson, rytme et son, rytmes et sons, theater