2 in stock, Not returned or exchanged
1 712.40€ Incl. VAT
828.00€ Incl. VAT
Public price
Public Price1 712.40 € Incl. VAT
Promotional public price828.00 € Incl. VAT
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Rate code : 000
Product reference
9FFC 013803
Net weight (kg)
Overall dimensions with wheels (mm)
2260 x 430 x H1030
Interior dimensions (mm)
2245 x 415 x H720
Volume (liter)
Max. load
9 mm birch plywood
Heavy-duty Hexagonal Pattern
Type of Opening
Lid stays
Type of Latches
Large recessed butterfly latch with padlock option
Nomber of Latche(s)
Type of Handle
Steel Recessed flip handle(s) with double sprung
Nomber of Handle(s)
Dish for stacking
2+2 with brakes Ø100
*** Flight case for Rythmes & Sons marimba 4 octave 1/2 ***
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