Ref. ORB 0806-08
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2 in stock
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782.40€ Incl. VAT
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Rate code : F01
Product reference
ORB 0806-08
Gross weight (kg)
Net weight (kg)
Overall dimensions with wheels (mm)
600 x 800 x H990
Interior dimensions (mm)
520 x 730 x H800
Type of Opening
OpenRoad® removable flat lid at the front
9 mm birch plywood
Phenolic coated
Type of Latches
Recessed sliding latches
Nomber of Latche(s)
Type of Handle
Steel Recessed flip handle(s) with double sprung
Nomber of Handle(s)
Interior features
This completely adjustable flight case enables you to configure your own storage space. The grooved interior sides can hold shelves or removable trays alike of a height of 100, 200 or 300 mm for a total height of 800 mm. The trays can be used for putting things away or storage out of the rack.
Developed and manufactured by Rythmes & Sons in France
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