Ref. ORB OT1206-12
3 in stock
2 685.60€ Incl. VAT
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Rate code : F05
Product reference
ORB OT1206-12
Net weight (kg)
Overall dimensions with wheels (mm)
Interior dimensions (mm)
Type of Opening
9 mm birch plywood
Heavy-duty Hexagonal Pattern
Type of Latches
Nomber of Latche(s)
Type of Handle
Nomber of Handle(s)
Interior features
This new generation of transport rack comes knocking over all handling, loading and unloading habits.
Our experience in the field of industrial logistics and the evolution of labor regulations has led us to design new mobility solutions.
The OpenTop® rack is ideal for transporting all types of packaged materials, bare materials or spare parts.
Its versatility is an asset for productivity:
- reduction of the quantity of cases,
- reduction of volumes / transport costs.
Its system of flat, folding and sliding lids eliminates the risk of loss or damage.
Their handling is facilitated by weight compensation springs.
The interior features is customizable. Shelves and removable trays are adjustable in height every 50mm.
This rack consists of elements assembled by screwing to disassemble and replace damaged parts easily.
Its almost unlimited lifetime significantly reduces its environmental impact and increases its profitability.
Developed and manufactured by Rythmes & Sons in France
*** Removable trays and shelves supplied separately ***Ask for your free quote and receive your personalized offer.
Keywords : backstage, box, cabinet, case, event, exhibitions, industry, maid, medical, motorsport, museums, opentoa, opentoap, opentom, opera, pharmaceutical, plv, servant, theater, top, workshop